Accept constructive criticism
This is a tough pill to swallow but if you can work past your pride the information can improve you. No one wants to hear they could have been better. Especially when they have worked hard. Sometimes there is a better way and accepting constructive criticism can help you realize it. 5 things to remember when you are given constructive criticism.
1. Don't take it personal
It is important to not take it personal when being confronted with constructive criticism. Take pride in everything you do and always try to do the best you can in all situations. It is hard to listen to someone say you could have done better. Especially when you have done your best and you are pleased with your performance.
2. The critics have been thru this
Every time you step onto the field strive to get better. One way to improve your game is to listen to people who have been there before. Accepting constructive criticism is effective when you realize the criticism is from a knowledgeable source. The information they provide will help you develop. They understand what works and what does not work.
3. The critics want you to succeed
Another key to accepting constructive criticism is to understand they want you to succeed. The information given is for your benefit. Hopefully it will continue to spark you to improve. They criticize because they want to help you improve. When they see an area where you can be stronger they will help.
4. The critics provide a different perspective
They provide a different set of eyes. Understanding the critics provide a different perspective is a key to accepting constructive criticism. This will give you a different way of looking at the situation. The next time you are faced with it, you will have different options. This will lead to better decision making and stronger play.
5. This will give you something to work on
Understanding that accepting constructive criticism will give you something to work on. You strive to be the best and always find ways to improve. This gives you a chance to strengthen a weakness or to fine tune a strength.