÷1st touch. Be open. Dont kick. Keep shape. Use teammates. Soft touch. Between defenders. Connect passes. 1-2 passes. Beat defenders.
2v1. 2 goals for att. (20×15)
Beat the defender and score.
+Opening. Move forward. Pass. Dribble.
=How can you beat the defender. Get defenders off balance.
=How can you beat def 2v1. 1-2 passes, give and go.
6v4. 6v3. 6v5. 2 goals each. (40×50)
Beat defenders and score goaks by creating 1v1s and 2v1s
+Take them on. Support. Switch.
=Where is the best chance to score. Away from the def.
=How can you help your teammate. Keep shape, play around def.
5v5 +GK to goals.
Beat defenders and score goaks by creating 1v1s and 2v1s
+Take them on. Support. Switch.
=How can you beat def 2v1. 1-2 passes, give and go.
=Where is the best chance to score. Away from the def.
=How can you help your teammate. Keep shape, play around def.
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